
ILA sets out the Benefits and Environmental Sustainability Credentials of Lead and Lead Based Batteries Bring to Society

Lead-based batteries can be a part of the solution to the sustainability challenges society faces, according to the International Lead Association (ILA).

In a paper in the current issue of the prestigious International Journal of Metallurgy, ILA sets out the benefits and environmental sustainability credentials that lead and lead batteries bring to society.

Lead-based batteries, the major application for lead are essential, sustainable and innovative and this paper outlines the current evidence for this. 

Lead batteries make a vital contribution to society and are used to power virtually all cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes, electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, while they are a mainstay of global storage technologies for renewable energy sources, such as solar cell and wind turbines.  The high recycling rates of these batteries reduce the environmental impacts considerably.

Read the full news release on the International Lead Association website


Download the paper from the International Journal of Metallurgy Engineering